Friday, September 26, 2008

I am still around...thankfully

Hello all, I know I haven't posted in a while so I have a few updates. I live in Houston...need I say more? Thankfully my family and I survived Hurricane Ike with little damage and with great health. I never knew how much I took for granted until I had to live without it for almost a week. Yes, divas, I am talking about power! Omg...a week without the pressing comb or air conditioning was rough! (Lol) Not only that we had a shortage of fresh food at the grocery. Can you imagine walking into a super Walmart and not being able to find meat, veggies or dairy? Or even fresh bread? Can you imagine waiting in line (outside) to get into a grocery store? I swear you would have thought it was the club or a sporting event with the way the lines wrapped around the building. I never could before Mr. Ike hit Houston like the other one hit poor Tina (I love that movie by the way). Lately I have been trying to cling back to normalcy and catch up on work and school ( I graduate in May by the way..yay!). Also, I just finshed my conference for work that I was the chair of the organizing committee for. We got rave reviews so although I am exhausted I am pleased and happy. In sewing news, before the power went out, I finished the baby blanket I posted about and I finished another one. I hope to post Pics of those soon. I also started Butterick 5247 (before Hurricane Ike took my power) in a nice plum colored jersey knit. Hope to finish that this weekend and post a pic of that as well. That's all for now, I hope this message finds you all well....Crafty1 is still here and loving it! :o)


Cennetta said...

Hi Lady, I glad all is well. Thank God! You are so funny. ..., life without a pressing comb. Grrr! lol I can't imagine how hard it must be. Stay safe and healthy. And of course, we all look forward to your next "diva creation". Big hugs.

Unknown said...

Hi! I love to hear from fabu women who visit my blog, thanks for posting a comment :) you must update your